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#CuriosityCorner is for unanswered science questions about our amazing brains! Send in your students' tricky questions and we'll answer them by video

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Our expert presenters love tackling students' questions about our amazing brains - and how they affect every aspect of our lives. In fact, we get so many great questions after our science shows for schools that we often can't cover them all during Q&A - so Ginny and the Braintastic! Science team answer them here.

From why do you get dizzy, to why we forget dreams - and for that matter, why do I twitch when falling asleep? What are deja vu moments and how are memories stored in the brain? Why do teenagers sleep so much, and are there people who can't feel pain? What about, could you survive with three quarters of your brain? We answer all of these questions (and more!) in #CuriosityCorner - check out the videos below.

And of course we would love to hear your questions about our amazing brains - just get in touch on social media (@BraintasticSci) using #CuriosityCorner and we'll cover it soon!

Curiosity Corner

Get a free taster of our most popular science show for schools, That's Non-Sense!

Plus science based tips, tricks and resources to boost learning and nurture mental wellbeing in schools.

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